quinta-feira, 14 de agosto de 2014

Understanding how you learn best may also help you.
There are different ways to learn. Find out what kind of learner you are in order to better understand how to learn more effectively.

The Seven Learning Styles

·         Visual (spatial): You prefer using pictures, images, and spatial understanding.
·         Aural (auditory-musical): You prefer using sound and music.
·         Verbal (linguistic): You prefer using words, both in speech and writing.
·         Physical (kinesthetic): You prefer using your body, hands and sense of touch.
·         Logical (mathematical): You prefer using logic, reasoning and systems.
·         Social (interpersonal): You prefer to learn in groups or with other people.
·         Solitary (intrapersonal): You prefer to work alone and use self-study.

Visual learners learn best through what they SEE and are probably the easiest to connect with through typical classroom instruction. By writing words down or students reading information in textbooks or on the internet, you receive visual input and are able to absorb the material presented.

Aural learners acquire information best through SOUND. Sometimes these learners are classified as auditory or musical. For these students, listening to lectures, videos and themselves talk all help them learn. Listening activities in class where students listen for a specific structure may be beneficial.


Verbal students learn through WORDS, both spoken and written, and probably learn languages more easily than other types of learners. 


Also known as kinesthetic learners, physical learners benefit from using their bodies and sense of TOUCH as they learn. By using techniques like, for example, something as simple as writing answers to questions, which engages the hands as you hold the pen, will help you cement the knowledge into your minds


Do you have any mathematical geniuses in your class? They are probably logical learners who are using reasoning, systems and LOGIC to absorb information. For these students, language learning will come most easily from a linguistic approach. Linguistics, known as the science of language, defines rules and patterns that languages follow in their grammar, syntax and phonology, syntactic or phonological rules. Diagramming sentences will also help them understand the grammar that is beneath the surface structure of English sentences.


Social learners enjoy and benefit from WORKING IN GROUPS as they learn. Since so much of language learning is communicative in nature, social learners will probably have many opportunities for quality learning through discussion groups and learning activities such as jigsaws.


Students whose strongest learning style is solitary function best in self-learning environments and working ON THEIR OWN. Because the goal of language instruction is communication, these students may struggle with group activities or discussions in class.

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