domingo, 24 de fevereiro de 2013

Oscars 2013

História do Oscar
O Oscar é o mais conhecido e cobiçado prêmio do cinema hollywoodiano. Oferecido anualmente pela Academia de Artes e Ciências Cinematográficas (no original: Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ou AMPAS) desde 1929, o prêmio foi uma idéia de Louis B. Mayer, chefe do estúdio Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM). No primeiro ano, os ganhadores do troféu iam para a noite de cerimônias já sabendo quem tinha ganhado em cada categoria. Depois, a Academia passou a liberar os vencedores para a imprensa, que poderia estampar suas manchetes na manhã seguinte. Mas tudo mudou depois que o Los Angeles Times publicou a lista antes da premiação, estragando as surpresas. E assim, desde 1941, os envelopes são abertos apenas na cerimônia de entrega dos prêmios.
Here are the nominees for Best Picture 2013:
Beasts of the Southern Wild (Indomável Sonhadora)
Django Unchained
Les Misérables
Life of Pi
Silver Linings Playbook (O Lado Bom da Vida)
Zero Dark Thirty

sexta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2013

Poem : New Beginnings

Brazilians say that the year begins officially only after carnival.
Well, here is a poem for a reflection about beginnings:

New beginnings
By Francis Jock
A new beginning is something we need once in awhile,
To make fresh start and wear a broad smile.
To forgive and forget is not quite the same,
As starting again with a mundane new name.

A change of the air, a place left unseen,
Perhaps a new face, not of a beauty queen.
A new house and a home, where no one cares
Who I am or once was, or the name that I bear.

Just over that mountain and across the sea,
Is where I'll find a new beginning for me.
In a land far away, in a port left alone,
I'll set up my shop and have a new home.

Tho' birthdays and holidays may come to pass,
Forgotten I'll be, no one's calling at last.
I can sleep in peace, not a wink will be lost,
On pillows so sweet, downy and soft.

Let me find this place where beginnings begin,
And yesterday's sorrows aren't welcome within.
A place that's secret and sunny and fair,
Oh, how I wish I could always be there.

But tomorrow will come and my life's incomplete,
Without fans and cameras and pundits replete.
I guess I'll get dressed and head down the stairs,
To see what today awaits me there.

Beginnings will come and beginnings will go,
Today I'll dance, tomorrow I'll stroll.
And every morning I'll say a short prayer,
New beginnings and tomorrows will always be there.