quinta-feira, 23 de abril de 2015

Below you will find a list of various hints and tips for learning English.
1.    Expose yourself to as much English Media content as possible. Every little encounter leaves an impression of the language. Luckily, English media contents are almost limitless: podcasts, news sites, radio channels, music, films etc.

2.    Take away the subtitling, unless you can choose English, on your screen, or force yourself to ignore it. Do this preferably with a film you are familiar with.

3.     Download lyrics to your favourite songs and read them while listening to the song. That way – next time you sing in the shower – you will practice real English. Listening to music in the target language helps you develop a flair for the rhythm, melody (intonation) and sound of it. Sing along.

4.    Buy or borrow audio books. You may also search for 'audio books' in general. Many of these web sites offer instant downloads in various digital formats.

5.    Software: Read software instructions in English, and download English versions of games and tools. 

6.    Software gaming: Play online games that require text input – like adventure games. But do keep in mind that the vocabulary you learn from this is often very limited.

7.    Spend some time searching for learning tools on the Internet. Search for words like: interactive exercise, grammar tasks, vocabulary quiz, pronunciation lab.

8.    Make lists of words suitable for various topics – preferably the one you are studying at school right now. Hang the list above your bed or on the refrigerator door. Repetition and learning by heart is a must in the process of learning a language.

9.     Use recording features on your mp3 player or cell phone and listen to yourself speaking/reading.

10.   Find the opportunities in everyday activities like walking to the bus, brushing your teeth and so forth, to think in English about what you do.

11.  Whenever you learn a word, try to come up with a word of the opposite meaning. Then make up a story – the crazier the better – where these words occur. Opposite words are called antonyms.  When you want to learn a set of words, dramatize them in a story or connect them to an existing experience. Use the opportunities everyday life offers.
12.  Repeat and memorize whole sample phrases and sentences which embody grammatical rules: “You are the sun, I am the moon.” (I am, You are, He/She/It is, We are, You are, They are)

13.  Read about news that is familiar to you in English. This will help you understand new words based on the contents. You may do the same thing with instructions in English for things you are already familiar with, like the operating of your cell phone. 

14.   Read novels, cartoons or magazines. Some of these are available online. Reading is a pleasurable activity, but make sure you find something that you are interested in.

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